The Liverpool Abseil

Looking for Brave People
The Liverpool Abseil
Saturday 17th May 2025
15.00 - 17.00 to allow anyone who is not based in Liverpool to Travel.
Anfield Stadium, Liverpool
£45 per adult
£38 per junior (10yr - 17yr)
Payment will need to be taken on sign up as we have to pay per person to confirm participation
Minimum height 3ft 9 (1.2mtr)
Maximum Weight 21 stone (130kg)
Harness to fit
Waist Measurement 130cm
Upper thigh 75cm
Let us know if you would like to take part - you don't have to be a Liverpool Fan.
Call us on 07951812185 or email helpotherstogether@yahoo.com
If you are not a fan of Heights but want to sponsor the brave people doing it, we have a Just Giving page set up to collect donations -