How it Started
Help Others Together started in 2019.
Since 2019 Grace has been raising money, Collecting Donations, Making up Care Packages and helping as many Charites and people as possible.
It all started with Care Packages made up by and hand delivered by Grace with small activities and toys for the day wards for the Children Ward to the local Hospital at Easter.
At Christmas she delivered Care Packages and Presents to the Children's & Geriatric Wards at the Hospital.
She collected and donated items for the Women Refuge so people who needed it had something for Christmas. ​
Using money she had raised she purchased Bacon, Chocolate, Warm Gloves and Socks for the Homeless Charities in Portsmouth
She also made and delivered enrichments for the animals at The ARK RSPCA centre.
Grace had already decided to make up the Care Packages for the day wards at the hospital, however the Pandemic put a stop to that.
She decided that instead she would say Thank You to everyone who had been working so hard over the Pandemic by baking and delivering over 100 Cakes to the local Fire, Ambulance, A&E and Children's Wards, using her own money to buy the ingredients.
After seeing a post on Facebook about the Children's Ward having a shortage of craft things due to Covid, she decided that instead of asking for certain toys she would use the money to purchase craft and stimulation activities.
Grace sorted out her toys and clothes and gave them to the women's refuge.
Made up Secret Santa Presents and delivered them for the children who would be in Hospital over Christmas.
Raised £100 for Wave 105 (local radio station) Cash for Kids charity by baking cakes and leaving them at local Care Homes.
Collected donations and using her own money and money that she had raised selling cakes to purchased toys for Wave 105 Mission Christmas appeal so that children in the local area have a Christmas present to open on Christmas day.
Grace was the first "Charity Champion" and the youngest to sign up to Wave105 Charity page.
From Jan-July she asked people to sponsor her to ride her bike each day aiming to be riding 5k by July.
Took orders and delivered Easter Goodies.
Completed 2 local sales where she sold homemade cakes, craft items, sweets, Hair accessories, toys and games in Total raising £350 for Wave 105.
Raised £50 by completing the Race for the 96 for the Hillsborough Charity.
Collecting donations that were delivered to local Children's homes, social services, Care homes and refuges.
Purchased 2 bags full of new toys for Wave 105 Mission Christmas appeal so that children in the local area have a Christmas present to open on Christmas day.
Purchased 1 bag full of items for the rehabilitation unit at the local hospital and 1 bag full of Christmas presents and care packages for the Children wards.
2022 started with a nomination for Child of Britain award, although she did not win she has received a certificate of merit
Sales started up with 3 smaller ones in Feb, March & April and then a big on May Bank Holiday raising £356 in one day so the total for the first 5 months of the year is already at £400
Another nomination in March for GMB young Fundraiser of the year award, in the pride of Britain awards
We have kindly been given a pitch at the Monthly Boot Sale at Lovedean Village Hall, Lovedean Lane. Last Sunday of the Month April - October
We will also be at Petersgate School, Clanfield, Merchistoun Hall, Horndean and Victoria Park Portsmouth.
We were offered the opportunity to go to freedom Boat club to have a ride into the Solent as a Thank you for all the fundraising Grace has done for Wave 105 Cash for Kids
Grace had a idea to do a Charity Golf Day, after a lot of conversations with different Golf Clubs in Portsmouth Area, we been offered the day in March at Wickham Park. We just had to look for golfers.
As per previous years Grace used money raised to purchase activities bags for the Childrens wards twice this year.
Using money raised Grace also made cakes for Ambulance, Fire & QA nurses to say Thank you.
Christmas Eve meant a mad trip to the shops so Grace could buy items as hand them out for "Bags of Kindness"
This year our 2 large events were the Charity Golf Day in March and the May day Sale again at St Mary's Church.
The Golf Day was moved to June after a last minute change by the golf club, however we managed to get more golfers and even though it was the hottest day of the year we raised a lot of money.
We also held our normal monthly sales​​, which were all a success, we have been asked to come each years to a lot of the sales which is amazing and its great to have continued support
£500 was donated to Sophies Legacy charity and £100 to Hillsborough Charity
Grace was awarded a Blue Peter Badge for her Charity Work
Christmas happiness packs were a success again, we delivered bags of kindness to the Children's wards,
day patients, A&E, Houses around the area.
This year we got booked into the St Mary's Church May Day Sale and the Waterlooville Jubilee Sale in June Along side our Monthly sales at the local schools.
We did look at arranging another Golf Day but after a lot of conversations it was decided that we would look to arrange that for 2025.
Another Nomination for GMB Fundraiser of the year, although she did not win, they received over 1000 votes for Grace.
For Next year we have been booked into a Charity Abseil at Liverpool FC Anfield Stadium, 100ft high.
Sad News this year. Wave 105 have now closed and been replaced by Greatest hits, meaning that the radio station is no longer so local, we have seen a backlash on this as people are not sure if the money raised stays in the local area.
Christmas happiness packs were a success again, we delivered bags of kindness to the Children's wards,
day patients, A&E, Houses around the area.