Golf Day
Golf Day Update
Wickham Park Golf Course
Sunday 19th March 2023
£38 per player (£28 Green fee + £10 charity donation)
Fee includes Drink & breakfast roll for all golfers
We are nearly there, we need a further 15people for the day to go ahead.
Anyone interested please contact us to book your place
Wave 105 Mission Christmas
On Saturday 10th December, Grace was invited to go to the Mission Christmas warehouse in Winchester.
We delivered the presents we have collected throughout the year.
They needed 20,000 presents to enable every child to have a present to open on Christmas Day.
We are pleased to say they did it - thank you to everyone.
December 2022

Happy Christmas to Everyone,
We Hope you all have a wonderful time.
Thank you for all your support
Random Acts of Kindness
On Christmas Eve Grace bought & delivered 10 bags of kindness.
5 Bags to the Nurses at QA Hospital on different wards
5 Bags to random houses in Waterlooville
Hope everyone enjoyed them

QA Hospital
Grace went to QA Hospital Children's ward and delivered 20 bags of activities for the patient on StarFish and Shipwreck wards. Thank you to Kelly for helping us
Thank you Cakes
On Mon 19th Dec, Grace baked and delivered cakes to:
Cosham Fire Station
Cosham Ambulance Station
QA Hospital
Others who have supported us this year.
We hope everyone liked them
November 2022
Golf Day
Golf Day Update
Now at Wickham Park Golf Course
Sunday 19th March 2023
£38 per player (£28 Green fee + £10 charity donation)
Fee now includes Drink and breakfast roll for all golfers
Thank you Luke for your help

Up Coming Sales
Christmas is coming and so are the sales.
As soon as the dates are released we will be booking them in, so makes sure you keep an eye out.
QA Hospital
Grace has decided to use up the toys we have left from previous sales and will be making up bags to give out at QA Hospital Childrens ward.
October 2022
Calling All Golfers
Charity Golf Day
Sunday 19th March 2023.
Minimum amount of players needed is 45.
If you are interested or know someone who might be please get them to contact us,

Thank you
A Massive Thank you to the following people for the help with our Charity Golf day
For agreeing to take some flyers to advertise the day
Wickham Park Golf Club
Crookhorn Golf Club
Southwick Golf Course
Swanmore Golf Club
For donating prizes for the Raffle
Harry Redknapp
Pets & Claws photography
September 2022
Thank you
On Saturday 10th September, Grace was invited to Freedom Boat Club, Trafalgor Way Porchester. As a Thank you for the charity work she has done.
Along with her Grampy & Mum Grace spent 1hr 15mins being taken around the solent, where she identified all the ships that were in harbour.
Massive Thank You to Freedom Boat Club and Wave105 who arranged the trip

Calling All Golfers
Calling All Golfers.
Everyone here at Help Others Together have been thinking about how we can raise money. Grace's Dad plays Golf and we have been given the opportunity to run a Charity Golf Day.
Details so far are
Sunday 19th March 2023.
Minimum amount of players needed is 45.
If you are interested or know someone who might be please get them to contact us.
To See more of our Sea Adventure take a look in the Photo's & Video section
July & August 2022
Happy Holidays
Everyone at Help Others Together hope that everyone has a wonderful Summer Holiday.
Grace is leaving Junior School and starting Secondary School in September.
As a lot of sales are on their summer break we have decided to have July & August off from the sales however we are still collecting items for the tombola's, and thinking of ways to raise money for the wonderful Charites.
We already have a bag of items to donate, using money we have raised and buying items in the end of term sales.

June 2022
Sales Update
On Sunday 26th June, Grace set up her stall, although it was a quiet day we still raised £30, which Grace has purchased English, Maths & Senco supplies for her school, as she is leaving this year, we thought it would be a nice leaving gift.

After the sale at Lovedean we received a lovely email from someone we met at the sale.
I attended Lovedean Hall Boot sale and bought sweets from your stall. What a lovely young lady! Your parents must be so proud. Keep up the Good work. I will be looking out for your stall next time. Annabel Giles
May 2022
Sales Update
On Sunday 29th May, Grace set up at Lovedean Village Hall.
We did not have as much as normal but still had 4 different kinds of sweets, Chocolate bars and different toys on sale.
It was a good 2hrs we raised £40
Exciting News
Grace has been Nominated for a GMB Young Fundraising for Pride of Britain

May Day Sale
After a slightly overcast start to the day, we had a very successful day at St Marys Church May Day Sale on Mon 02nd May from 10.00 - 16.00.
Within the first 1.5hrs all the tombola prizes went. By 14.30 all the sweets had gone. We only had a few toys left, after going down with 5 full boxes of items, we returned with just 1.
In total we raised £356 which is being split between Wave 105 & The British Heart Foundation.
Together with the May Day Sala and Boot Sale we made nearly £400 in May
Sales Update
April 2022
April Sales Total
Grace has been to a number of smaller sales or Boot sales so has not been as busy as previously however she has still raised £60 at the sales

Thank you
A Big Thank you to Grace's Granny Val and her friends Jean & Josie who donated their Subs from the GrapeVine to Grace's Funds
March 2022
March Sale Final Amount
On Sunday 13th March at Portchester Grace set up her stall and although it was a lot less busy and we were in a small room instead of the main one
Grace made £65. Thank you to everyone who came.

Exciting News
Grace got an email advising that she has been selected as a child of Britain nominee - although she did not win she did get a certificate of Merit
February 2022
Sales are getting booked in
Sales are being arranged and booked in, make sure you keep any eye out for the events coming up

February Sale Final Amount
On a very windy Sunday 20th February, at Wickham Community Centre. Grace set up her stall and although it was a lot less busy than we expected Grace made £65. Thank you to everyone who came.
January 2022

Happy New Year
Happy New Year, Thank you for all the
support over the last 3 Years